I Am a Money Drunk; How About You?

Published: Dec. 17, 2021, 8 a.m.


In this podcast about compulsive spending and debt, we discuss the nature of the disorder, how to recognise it and what we may do about it.

We learn that:

  1. Compulsive spending and debt go hand-in-hand. If we did not have a spending compulsion, the chances are that we would not use unsecured debt.
  2. Most compulsive spenders and debtors use their behaviour to hide from emotional realities and do not want to be held accountable.
  3. To stop over-spending and debting, we need to starve the compulsion lest it overtake us and make our lives hell yet again.
  4. Participating in the fellowship of Debtors Anonymous can save us the pain of the consequences of unrestrained spending and keep us from hurting those who love us and depend on us.
  5. The ultimate answer for us who have been saved from ourselves lies in working the Twelve Steps, one step and one day at a time.