Drugs You Thought You Knew

Published: Dec. 23, 2022, 8 a.m.


In this podcast, we describe the status, sources and effects of (mostly) illegal or diverted substances our audience might be familiar with.

We learn that:

  1. Of the nineteen drugs/substances discussed, only alcohol and (to some extent) marijuana are up and up legal.
  2. The vast majority of drugs that are used or abused are strictly made and taken to get high, period. There is no legal use for drugs like cocaine or meth or heroin.
  3. Many drugs get diverted and abused and are not strictly illegal out of the gate, which makes these (mostly) opioids easy to get and harder to control.
  4. Fentanyl is in a class all by itself. It is actually used in hospital settings as a highly effective painkiller in post-op situations. Its rapid spread is the result of its tremendous effect (100 times more powerful than heroin) and its ease of distribution by the good old US postal system. The fact that it\\u2019s also cheap allows dealers to mix it into other drugs, which then boosts their effect and also makes straight fentanyl the most popular street drug today.