Why Emotional Intelligence is the Key to More Entrepreneurial Success

Published: April 7, 2022, 9 a.m.

b'EMOTIONAL INTELLIGENCEEmotional intelligence is rarely discussed in the classroom and that\\u2019s why today\\u2019s guest says traditional education has failed entrepreneurs.
She\\u2019s Elizabeth Miner and through her research she\\u2019s discovered distinct patterns when comparing the success and failure of business owners that boil down to emotional intelligence.
What exactly is \\u201cit\\u201d? Why is it so pivotal? And what does it mean for your business?
Listen now and find out.
What You\\u2019ll Discover About Emotional Intelligence (highlights and transcript):https://businessconfidentialradio.com/?p=184726# (HIGHLIGHTSCLICK HERE FOR AUDIO TRANSCRIPT)

* Why traditional education fails entrepreneurs [01:19]
* Definition of emotional intelligence [03:24]
* How better emotional intelligence improves decision making [06:31]
* How we can assess our own emotional intelligence [09:42]
* How emotional intelligence balances decision making biases and improves risk management [12:22]
* How to leverage emotional intelligence for more success [14:49]
* Using emotional intelligence to focus on what you do best [16:57]
* Things holding you back from recognizing your own emotional intelligence [18:52]
* What to look for when hiring a business coach [22:38]
* And MUCH more.
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Guest: Elizabeth MinerElizabeth Miner is an unconventional success. Combining her 20+ years as a corporate paralegal with coaching clients around the globe, she has a unique worldview of entrepreneurship. Elizabeth recognized distinct patterns in the success and failure of business owners and has been piecing together where traditional education has failed entrepreneurs.
Her research has revealed the key factor to beating the failure rate statistics for entrepreneurs is understanding how the human engine that runs a business works. Her contribution to opening the conversation on this topic is her book, https://www.amazon.com/Entrepreneur-Advantage-Emotional-Intelligence-Building/dp/1737380048/ref=sr_1_2?crid=3EGMT39E32THCandkeywords=elizabeth+minerandqid=1647963661ands=booksandsprefix=elizabeth+miner%2Cstripbooks%2C67andsr=1-2 (The Entrepreneur Advantage: Emotional Intelligence for Building and Growing Your Business. )
Working with both groups and individuals, Elizabeth shares her knowledge and encourages entrepreneurs to think more deeply and personally about how they operate and show up in their business to create complete and sustainable success.
Elizabeth hosts the podcast, https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/entrepreneurs-irl/id1519007958 (entrepreneurs IRL), sharing the real life stories of entrepreneurs making their way through the entrepreneurial journey. She has been featured on podcasts including Entrepreneur on Fire and has been published by She is Fierce!, Rank and File Magazine and Mike Dooley\\u2019s personal development site Tut.
Related Resources:Contact Elizabeth and connect with her on https://linkedin.com/in/MinerElizabeth (LinkedIn), https://twitter.com/ElizabethLMiner (Twitter), and https://instagram.com/ElizabethMinerOfficial (Instagram).
Also, listen to her https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/entrepreneurs-irl/id1519007958 (podcast entrepreneurs IRL) on Apple Podcasts.
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