How do business owner pay themselves with Craig Dacy

Published: March 9, 2022, 1 p.m.

915  In late 2013, my wife, Andi, and I decided we needed to take control of our finances. We had student loan debt, a car loan, and no financial plans for the future. We didn't want to give a piece of our monthly income away to debt payments. What if we took those payments and used them for something we actually wanted?   By significantly cutting our lifestyle and writing a budget every month, we were debt free in 12 months. Since beginning that journey, I became obsessed with personal finances. I read every book I could find, took online classes, and signed up for trainings and certification courses to broaden my knowledge.  Then something amazing happened. It didn't only transform our finances, but touched many other areas of our lives. Our marriage was stronger because we were on the same page with our budget and spending. I became more motivated, increasing my productivity at work and in my side projects. My eating habits changed, improving my health and the amount of energy I had throughout the day. Debt affects more areas of our lives than just our wallets.  


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