BumbleKast Q&A – For February 1st, 2021

Published: Feb. 1, 2021, 2 p.m.

A shorter intro to get you to the Q&A faster! Support the show on Patreon and Ko-Fi! Shop the BumbleStore! Show Information Your hosts: Ian "BumbleKing" Flynn - Head writer of Sonic the Hedgehog comics for IDW Publishing and Mega Man for Archie Comics, Narrative Director for Rivals of Aether, writing for Archie, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, and more Kyle "KyleJCrb" Crouse - Founder & Administrator of the KNGI Network, host of the Nitro Game Injection video game music podcast Subscribe and listen on YouTube, Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Stitcher and Google Play RSS Feed for podcast apps and readers Check out BumbleKing Comics and the KNGI Network Like BumbleKing Comics & KNGI on Facebook Follow @BumbleKast, @IanFlynnBKC & @KyleJCrb on Twitter Get some BumbleGear at the BumbleStore Original music in this episode composed by Ken "coda" Snyder, used with permission – Check out his music on Bandcamp Special Thanks to our friends at Noise Channel! Pay what you want for the theme song and more great music as part of their charity compilation Noisechan & Nugget: Adventures in Chiptunes Want to have your product promoted on the show? Check out the Patreon site to find out how! Want to ask us a question? Ask at: Twitter at @BumbleKast Email contact [at] bumblekast [dot] com YouTube comments Patrons can post on Patreon – https://patreon.com/bumblekast PRIORITY Q&A Papadripopolous you've said before the new 252 setting isn't the same as the genesis world from the first time the genesis wave was used. my question is, why? N'Oni If you could adopt any badnik from the entire Sonic series, which would it be? Quantity is unlimited, but it can only be one of each type. Joshless Was there any particular reason you seemed to imagine planet Mobius as having a population of a couple hundred thousand people tops, or did it just work out this way? IanWaffles During the archie Preboot run, after Eggman brought himself back from his insanity, there were times when he’d fail and slip back into madness for a few seconds, this being depicted by his glasses falling away to show his red soulless eyes....so what I’m asking is was this detail something to pay attention to and that you intended to pay off? Or was it simply a characterization choice to show that Eggman was still not fully there? Diane W. -why the Black Arms decided to wait until now to invade Earth when the Glyphic Canyon was transported there over 2,000 years ago -why the Black Arms want to eat humans for their fuel -why didn’t Sonic and co. just tell Shadow who he is or why couldn’t Shadow just ask anyone who knows him Starline's fanboy Starline mentioned that he became quite ill after not sleeping when he was looking for Eggman...Does it mean he's still ill? What kind of illness does he have and will it be explored in the future? Or he recovered from it already? Ideria (Ko-Fi) Now I’ve heard that you are familiar with my favourite shows : Wakfu. Who has been your favorite villain between Nox, Qilby and Oropo? AWF Have you ever written a comic that had no dialogue? If you have, how difficult was it to do? If you haven't, how difficult do you THINK it would be to do? Scurvy Piratehog (KoFi) What are the chances that Captain Whisker can appear in the IDW comics? KaoticKanine (KoFi) Ian, if you were finally allowed to use Sticks for IDW, how would you integrate her into the cast? Andrew D. What are some series (game, movie, tv, book, etc) that you would love to get into or check out but don’t have the time? Blue Mickey Mouse Ian Flynn, you’ve told people they ought not read your Sonic fan fiction from before you became an official writer because it was of bad quality. When you look back upon Other-M does your mind devolve into hearing Samus say “the baby” as that famous .gif of Sonic Underground plays in your mind? https://images.app.goo.gl/8JNV9ZSqdo8...​ Johnny_B_Goode