BumbleKast Q&A – For April 5th, 2021

Published: April 5, 2021, 2 p.m.

Ghidorah never stood a chance. Support the show on Patreon and Ko-Fi! Shop the BumbleStore! Find all previous questions on the Q&A Master List! Show Information Your hosts: Ian "BumbleKing" Flynn - Head writer of Sonic the Hedgehog comics for IDW Publishing and Mega Man for Archie Comics, Narrative Director for Rivals of Aether, writing for Archie, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, and more Kyle "KyleJCrb" Crouse - Founder & Administrator of the KNGI Network, host of the Nitro Game Injection video game music podcast Subscribe and listen on YouTube, Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Stitcher and Google Play RSS Feed for podcast apps and readers Check out BumbleKing Comics and the KNGI Network Like BumbleKing Comics & KNGI on Facebook Follow @BumbleKast, @IanFlynnBKC & @KyleJCrb on Twitter Get some BumbleGear at the BumbleStore Original music in this episode composed by Ken "coda" Snyder, used with permission – Check out his music on Bandcamp Special Thanks to our friends at Noise Channel! Pay what you want for the theme song and more great music as part of their charity compilation Noisechan & Nugget: Adventures in Chiptunes Want to have your product promoted on the show? Check out the Patreon site to find out how! Want to ask us a question? Ask at: Twitter at @BumbleKast Email contact [at] bumblekast [dot] com YouTube comments Patrons can post on Patreon – https://patreon.com/bumblekast PRIORITY Q&A Scruffymatt So my question to you this week is: what other terrible video game adaptations can you recall being disappointed in because they had very little (if anything) to do with the source material? N'Oni Ian, just wondering, what do certain characters do on their days off? SaturnFlicky (KoFi) Have you ever considered using Chaos Gamma in the comics? Scurvy Piratehog (KoFi) You think that..having certain characters being "Classic Exclusive" limits some potential? ...If Classic was however allowed to co-exist alongside modern regardless of anniversaries or not, I don't think it would be an issue then but...what do you think? Diane W You know on a previous BumbleKast episode, you said that 6 of the seven Chaos Emeralds are the wrong colour? Well, they are gemstone-appropriate names ...Does that clear up everything regarding what colours the Chaos Emeralds are meant to be? AWF Tangle, Whisper, and Jewel walk into arcade. What games do they play? Andrew D. Did you ever want to give civilian names to other Robot Masters like the ones we got (Blues, Rock, Roll, and Tempo?) Digamma How far ahead do you know what artist is working on a story? Madeline M (KoFi) Have all the various designs of Tails’ workshop and plane hangar been the same place, or are they based on each other? Papadripopolous Tell us all you can and want about your rivals of aether work, what're you doing, how's it been doing it, etc pls STANDARD Q&A Tik Tik In short: where are the consequences to the world and what decisions led to them not being there? PC-The-Unicorn Why exactly did it crossover with so many other games and wasn't simply a four way crossover ...? Why didn't the entire Sonic Boom cast partake into the crossover? Did you you want Worlds Unite to be longer then 12 issues considering how cluttered everything was? And where was Chip during this entire event? Gawdzilla Who would win: King Ghidorah of KoTM vs King Ghidorah of KoTM BUT each head's personality is replaced by Sonic (Center), Shadow (Right) and Silver (Kevin)? Could the Hedgehogs adapt to their new Draconian body and take down the Golden Demise? Or are they doomed to succumb to in fighting? tKoS Did SEGA have anything to do with the naming of Floral Forest Village? Is it the official name of the place where Cream's house is or is this only applicable to IDW? Johnny_B_Goode What would Bivalve the Clam look like if he got a mobian redesign like Akhlut? Mike B.