What Does it Mean to Make Jesus Your King?

Published: Aug. 1, 2022, 9 a.m.


In this episode, we talk about what it really means to make Jesus your King.

Scripture refers to Jesus as king. Revelation 17:14 refers to him as king of kings. And this means that Jesus has rule over all every ruler and every authority in the end. All other rulers will be conquered or abolished and Jesus alone will reign supreme. There is no one more powerful than King Jesus, but what does it mean to make Jesus your King?\\xa0

if you live in the United States like I do you have an idea of what a king does but you don't have kind of direct experience of what it's like to live under the rulership of a king and truth be told even if you did, it's likely pretty pathetic in comparison to what the kingship of Jesus is like since his kingdom is not of this world. So it's kind of hard to grasp the concept of what it means to make someone your king and if you have made Jesus, your personal savior, it's likely that you spend time in prayer and reading the Bible, maybe with some degree of struggle. But if we're truly being honest, we spend most of our time crying out to God.\\xa0

God, help us with our personal life and our situations. God, please pay my rent. God, please get me out of this job. But God, please give me this job. God, please get this person out of my life. God, please bring this person into my life. Oh, God. Please, God! Please, God please, and our prayers become a series of supplications rather than adoration to our King.\\xa0

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