The Biblical Formula Proven to Stop Overthinking

Published: Dec. 14, 2023, 8 p.m.


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Faithful Counseling

Renew Your Mind Online Course

Toxic thinking can be like a game of pinball. It seems manageable\\u2014maybe even fun at first\\u2014but add a stress here, an old wound there, and before you know it, your mind is completely out of control.

\\xa0At any moment of any day, your mind can be triggered by old wounds, Satan\\u2019s demons, bad habits, or just something someone said, and the next thing you know, your mind is reeling out of control.

\\xa0It can feel like hundreds of pinballs are all dropping into the machine at once and you can\\u2019t figure out which one to hit first.\\xa0

\\xa0THIS is what your thoughts can look like in an unrenewed mind. \\xa0

\\xa0Whether your toxic thoughts are negative, fearful, anxious, or angry, how you deal with them can be the difference between a quiet game of solitaire or a chaotic game of pinball.

\\xa0It\\u2019s been said that we get bombarded by more than 50,000 thoughts a day. But there\\u2019s a difference between those thoughts that give you life and the thoughts that are sucking the life right out of you.

\\xa0It\\u2019s my hope to help you say goodbye to fear and hello to faith. Goodbye to chaos and hello to calm. Goodbye to confusion and hello to clarity\\u2026 okay, you get the picture.

\\xa0So let\\u2019s dive into the four steps that will help you get control of those thoughts before they take control of you.

\\xa0Step #1: Reveal

In this step, you\\u2019re actually not going to focus on the pinball, but rather the trigger.\\xa0

\\xa0You want to better understand WHY you\\u2019re reacting to certain people, thoughts and situations. \\xa0

You see, it\\u2019s tempting and easy to blame others for triggering us, thereby making it their fault and their responsibility for controlling YOUR thoughts and emotions.

\\xa0When the truth is, you can\\u2019t trigger something that isn\\u2019t there. To stick with the pinball analogy, if there\\u2019s no ball, there\\u2019s nothing to set into motion.\\xa0

\\xa0This is where you\\u2019ll want to deal with the stuff lying beneath the surface\\u2014the past hurts, old wounds, neglected traumas, unfulfilled dreams, and insecurities. These are all things that make it so much easier for you to get triggered.

\\xa0Your job is not to control the triggers around you. It\\u2019s to deal with what's going on inside of you. So allow God to REVEAL what He needs to reveal.

\\xa0Step #2: Refocus

You can throw your hands up in the air and blame everything in your life on the out-of-control balls, or you can apply the principle found in 2 Corinthians 10:5: \\u201cWe destroy arguments and every lofty opinion raised against the knowledge of God, and take every thought captive to obey Christ.\\u201d

\\xa0My friend, don\\u2019t let your thoughts run free like a bully on a playground. It is your mind\\u2014it\\u2019s your job to direct it.\\xa0

\\xa0When my mind is going in a wrong direction, I am proactive in giving what God is revealing over to Him. This doesn\\u2019t mean that I just ignore something and pretend it\\u2019s not there. But it does mean that we are to be intentional about the focus of our own thoughts. \\xa0

\\xa0Step #3: Rethink it

Once you\\u2019ve captured that thought, stop and ask yourself: Is this thought helpful or harmful to my mental and sp
