How to Stop Overthinking

Published: Jan. 24, 2022, 10 a.m.


Do you ever wish God would just shut off your brain?\\xa0 In this episode we are talking about how to stop overthinking.
Building Faith Podcast from Kris Reece Ministries is a podcast to provide biblical solutions to life's tough challenges.


Do you ever wish God would just shut off your brain? We are talking about how to stop overthinking. Romans 12:2 reminds us \\u201cto not be conformed to this world, but to be transformed by the renewing of our minds.\\u201d

And here\\u2019s what I realized. We all want the transformation. We attend transformational workshops and seminars in books and such, but the truth is that God brings the transformation, but we also tend to leave the mind renewal part up to God as well. But the truth is this is how our mind and just like God won\\u2019t move your hand for you we\\u2019ve been given the ability to discipline our mind and therefore participate with God in his plan of renewal. The part of renewing, our minds includes dealing with overthinking, otherwise known as ruminating.\\xa0 Regardless of what you call it, it\\u2019s a Time Bandit and you know what it feels like, your mind runs wild, it\\u2019s spinning out of control with the constant what-ifs and should have, could have, would his, and then next thing, you know days and even years have slipped by and you\\u2019ve made no profit of progress.

This can\\u2019t be Godly and you would be right. It\\u2019s not. And many will look to overthinking and say, I know, I know I just have to stop thinking so much and to that\\xa0 I would say, that\\u2019s not the answer. You see, God has given you an active mind, and shutting it down, shouldn\\u2019t be the option. You see, the problem is not that you\\u2019re thinking, the problem is what you\\u2019re thinking about.

So, unfortunately, God is not going to shut off our brains, but He has given us all the tools that we need to help in the renewal process. So how do we stop the dreaded overthinking?

Let\\u2019s look at 4 Biblical steps to take to stop that mental spiral in your head.

Step # 1 \\u2013 To reveal. Before you can deal with spiraling thoughts, you have got to be aware of them. And I love the way the Psalmist David asked the Lord in Psalm 139:23. He said, \\u201csearch me O God and know my heart,\\xa0 test me and know my anxious thoughts.\\u201d\\xa0

God is faithful to reveal anything ungodly in your life. And we must look at toxic unproductive spiraling thoughts as ungodly. So pray and ask God to reveal you\\u2019re overthinking anxious thoughts and I assure you, my friend, He will. But be prepared though. He may reveal them in ways that you didn\\u2019t expect like your reactions. Yes, our reactions reveal a lot about what\\u2019s going on inside of us.

Step #2 Refocus. \\xa02 Corinthians 10:5 reminds us that we are \\u201cto demolish arguments and every pretense that sets itself up against the knowledge of God and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ.\\u201d

So the question is, What are you doing with the thoughts that are coming into your head? If you\\u2019re allowing them to run wild with no accountability, you my friend are susceptible to demonic deception, and the clarity that you so long for is going to elude you.

Instead, ask yourself is this in line with Biblical truth?

Step #3 \\u2013 Rethink.\\xa0 2 Timothy 3:16 reminds us that \\u201call scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof for correction, and for training in righteousness.\\u201d So, when ruminating thoughts, invade your mind, you\\u2019ll want to search the Scriptures for what the Bible says about. Your particular situation or what you\\u2019re thinking about because you want to know the truth. Now, when I say your situation, I don\\u2019t so much mean what you were thinking about. Scripture isn\\u2019t always going to tell you exactly what to do, about your specific situation.

But much of our overthinking has a very strong emotion attached to it. For example, fear th
