5 Toxic Movies God Wants You to Stop Romanticizing

Published: Feb. 23, 2023, 10 a.m.


5 Toxic Movies God Wants You to Stop Romanticizing

\\xa0Who formed your idea of love? If you\\u2019re like many, it wasn\\u2019t God, it wasn\\u2019t your parents, it wasn\\u2019t even the person you fell in love with. No, it was something much more distorted and toxic.

\\xa0It was the movies.

\\xa0For as long as films have been in existence, they have continued to pervert and disfigure the truth meaning of loving relationships.

\\xa0That\\u2019s why in today\\u2019s episode, I want to talk to you about the 5 toxic movies that God wants you to stop romanticizing, NOW.

\\xa0Pop culture affects our views of love and relationships more than we\\u2019d like to admit. Even ones that we know are ungodly can even shape our desires and expectations in destructive ways\\u2026 if we\\u2019re not careful.

\\xa0Entertainment is not as passive as we\\u2019d like to believe. Think of the word\\u2026.ENTERtainment. When we sit down to a movie, TV show, video game or any other piece of content, we are allowing those images, stories, and ideas to ENTER into our soul.

\\xa0Think of how much easier you laugh at jokes at a comedy club\\u2026.that\\u2019s because the environment has been set.

\\xa0So when you sit down to a romantic movie, you\\u2019re likely doing so with an open mind to receive all the thoughts and feelings associated with this movie.

\\xa0And based upon those feelings, you build your belief system. How many times have you heard someone describe a man or woman of their dreams and this person only exists inside of a movie?

\\xa0That\\u2019s because our view of reality is skewed.\\xa0

\\xa0They say that more men struggle with pornography than women, but I don\\u2019t believe that. Even if women aren\\u2019t dealing with the same type of porn as men, their version can be found in the form of romantic movies and fantasy novels--films that give you the warm and fuzzies (romantic feelings) but are riddled with codependency and toxicity.

That\\u2019s why in today\\u2019s episode, I want to talk to you about 5 toxic movies that God wants you to stop romanticizing.

But before we do, let\\u2019s lay the groundwork by talking about the myths that these \\u2018romantic\\u2019 movies portray.

\\xa0These myths include:

  • If it\\u2019s true love, you\\u2019ll forgive and forget
  • You can\\u2019t help who you fall in love with
  • Love and addiction are one in the same
  • Miscommunication is normal and makes for a more romantic relationship
  • You need the other person to make you whole
  • Love conquers all (there is truth in that but not in the way we romanticize love.\\xa0
  • We all have a \\u2018soulmate\\u2019
  • Being chased is romantic.\\xa0
  • Constant fighting means we have passion.\\xa0
  • If I miss you, we must be meant to be together.\\xa0
  • And lastly - the payoff. Here\\u2019s where we believe that sticking with someone no matter what will have a big payoff, such as maybe hearing the words \\u201cyou were too good for me\\u201d on their death bed


Let\\u2019s dive into the 5 toxic movies God wants you to stop romanticizing:

  1. A Star Is Born


Lady Gaga and Bradley Cooper took the world by storm in the latest retelling of A Star is Born, but we can\\u2019t ignore the dangerous message it sends: that women should stay in abusive relationships. Ally continues to make excuses and sacrifices for Jackson because she feels like she owes him for her success. No matter how lightly she treads on those eggshells, or how much she loves him, she can't save him from his demons. Instead of celebrating Ally's achievements, Jackson spirals further into addiction and depression. There isn't a happy ending to this tale, yet filmgoers were captivated by this \\u201clove story.\\u201d\\xa0


This movie is riddled with breathtaking levels of codependency.


It\\u2019s a story about doing what feels right and not overthinking. The truth is, Ally would have done well to N
