Steps to restoring friendships w/ Alicia Hunter | Episode 23

Published: March 7, 2017, 7:43 p.m.

Have you found yourself in a situation where different sets of friends don’t want to be in each other's presence because they don’t want to share you? Or, have you had a situation where you and one of your BFFs had a fractured relationship? The goal of this podcast is to give you the tools and strategies for your geniune friendships to be restored.

I’ve had falling outs with my friends and every woman I know has had a falling out with a friend. These relationships can be reconciled but it does require some work so here is your call to action. Let the work begin with in you.

First, roam around your memory, not looking for what your BFF did but look at what you did, how did you contribute to the fall out? Where were you in your own headspace, where were you emotionally? Where were you physically? Do a walk around in your own headspace.

Start working on correcting that element of what you discovered and then when the timing and the opportunity is correct, reconciliation will happen. The moment of reconciliation, will call for you acknowledge; "I know what was happening with me that contributed to this, I apologize for my part."



Its okay to allow other people to love you that aren’t biologically connected to you. – ALICIA HUNTER


So many people are so selfish with themselves, they hold back the best of themselves because they are trying to be protective somewhere along the way. CECELIA GREENEBARR


Love and time heals all wounds and sometimes you just have to step back and give it time. – ALICIA HUNTER


Its what happens in the passing of time that determines if the passing of time was valuable or wasted– CECELIA GREENEBARR



As females, we have the capacity to be better towards one another. – CECELIA GREENEBARR


It is more important to love one another and to respect one another. – ALICIA HUNTER


True friendships can be reconciled. – CECELIA GREENEBARR


Thank you for being with me another week on Building a Better Sisterhood podcast. Wouldn’t you agree that these podcasts are worth sharing? Wherever you find yourself in the company of other women, please share this podcast. 

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