Health and Wellness with Claudia from LifeVantage on the West Coast!

Published: Aug. 29, 2020, 6:07 p.m.

Bucks County Bytes presents to you Claudia from LifeVantage and we discuss health and wellness and how my new found business of podcasting, editing, publishing, social media and being involved with a health and wellness company has changed my last few months of being of home due to the crisis of Covid19.

We have an excellent interview with Claudia, as she has been an independent distributor for LifeVantage for many years, and also my long term friendship with her over the last 6 years. Claudia and I met due to my dogs, Herk and Sam, and if it weren't for her, my boys wouldn't have the extended years that they've had. I am very fortunate to have her in my life as a friend, and as a co-worker too!

Please join us in our podcast talking about the crisis, the business, my dogs Herk and Sam, and just having a great conversation about what LifeVantage can do to change lives around both financially, mentally, and physically.

I am providing links in the Anchor site, as well as it will be in the Spotify, iHeart Radio, and Apple podcasts. The best links will be able to be found on the YouTube channel as well.

Enjoy our podcast from Bucks County Bytes and don't forget to like, subscribe and follow to all my social media links!

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