AB Oct 31 Kerri Kannan

Published: Oct. 31, 2019, 2:47 p.m.

b'Welcome to Ageless Blissings Radio on the Divas That Care Network. Bringing you media that matters. Check out www.divasthatcare.com for more great podcasts with heart. Check out special gifts and offerings from our guests by visiting https://tinyurl.com/ABMarketplace

Today\'s guest... Kerri Kannan

Kerri Kannan has a gift that allows her to ask the universe to facilitate change on behalf of anyone who listens to her and the Universe Delivers! People have reported financial windfalls, healed relationships, soul mate connections, business success and more... the best part is, it requires no particular effort on behalf of the listener. You just sit back, say yes and watch as you experience INSTANT energy shifts and shortly after, life miraculously aligns to be in harmony with your desires.

Http://CommandMiracles.com (this is to the Manifesting Miracles Program)

Http://divinewithin.com This is for the general website

Bliss & Blessings
Brenda \\u2665'