Brand New Me # 128 It Feels Good to Be Free

Published: Oct. 6, 2021, 1 p.m.

When do you feel the most free? What is your safe place? Is there hope when it comes to freedom of the soul?

This week's Portraits of White fan question made me start thinking about life in general. I've been reflecting on the journey toward a "Brand New Me" and how it brought me to a new place of freedom. The question was: "What is your favorite part of Portraits of White? What really gets your heart pumping?" 

I definitely love to play the piano and that's my favorite part...but beyond that, I love feeling free. It's taken a lifetime, but I feel like I've moved from feeling free on the piano bench to feeling free in other areas of my life.

I can tell you that no matter what you're facing today, you can walk in freedom. Don't give up!