Professor Andrew Morris

Published: March 15, 2016, 2 p.m.


With access to our personal healthcare data, Professor Andrew Morris's research into diabetes informatics has already led to a reduction of diabetes related amputations by 50%. He aspires to see a year in his lifetime when there are no diabetes related amputations in Scotland.

Our personal data is hugely valuable. Not just to us but to scientists, researchers and healthcare providers around the world. With access to vast amounts of information about us and our health, scientists like Andrew are able to examine population wide healthcare issues.

By turning that vast amount of information into knowledge says Andrew you can improve healthcare provision across the entire country and make it more efficient at the same time.

But with access to that information comes responsibility and a need for trust. In this episode of Brainwaves Pennie Latin meets Professor Andrew Morris, Director of The Farr Institute, Scotland to look at how data science and informatics are improving the health of Scotland.
