Ep. 88: Do Your Binges Feel Automatic?

Published: Sept. 29, 2021, 4:37 p.m.


Kathryn addresses what you can do if you find yourself binge eating without recognizing an urge beforehand.\\xa0 You\\u2019ll learn to become more aware of the thoughts, feelings, and sensations that are driving the behavior, so that you can avoid going into binges automatically.

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Disclaimer: *The Brain over Binge Podcast is produced and recorded by Brain over Binge Recovery Coaching, LLC. All work is copyrighted by Brain over Binge Recovery Coaching, LLC, and all rights are reserved. As a disclaimer, the hosts of the Brain over Binge Podcast are not professional counselors or licensed healthcare providers, and this podcast is not a substitute for medical advice or any form of professional therapy. Eating disorders can have serious health consequences and you are strongly advised to seek medical attention for matters relating to your health. Please get help when you need it, and good luck on your journey.
