Boss Battle 91: I’ve Had a Horrible Expe

Published: May 7, 2014, 2:46 p.m.

This week on Boss Battle, we have our the cast of Bobby (@bobbyfjtown), Chachi (@chachisays), Rizz (@theerizz) and Mike Sorg (@sorgatron). On this weeks show:

We discuss our gaming achievements from the past week.
In Across The Net…net…net…net…net: Chachi talks about a GTA with animals, the Rogue Warrior credit scene with Mickey Rourke, Pokemon slow jams, Eve online vandalism, Yoshi redone and blindfolded Mario 64.
We talk about news stories like how there is No Need For Speed, a countdown from Ed Boon and the Destiny game being very expensive to produce.
Rizz gives his top 5 Steam reviews.
Sorg reviews Monument Valley.
We talk some Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare. Is Kevin Spacey a villain?
In our Final Round discussion, we tell you which actors we would want to be a villain in a video game.