Boss Battle 84: Everything is Notchsome

Published: March 19, 2014, 4:30 p.m.

Bobby F. J-Town (@BobbyFJtown), Sorg (@Sorgatron), Chachi (@chachisays), Rizz (@TheeRizz), and Frank (@FuzzWad) take some time away from their games to share some this week’s gaming news:

- Exploring our friendships.
- Achievements in Gaming:
Sorg: Pokemon Yellow and Civilization and GTA
Rizz: Colormania and Smash Hit
Chachi: Skyrim
Frank: GTA 5 and Dots
Bobby: South Park The Stick of Truth and Threes
- Things from the Internet:
1 million points Gamerscore
Brawl in the Family (YouTube) released a song called “Plumber’s Best Friend” from the viewpoint of Yoshi letting Mario know he’s his best friend.
Machinima series for GTA NPCs
- Like Apples to Apples or Cards Against Humanity? Try Dehumanize Your Friends (a “tech” version of Cards Against Humanity).
- Worst Companies vote is active. Microsoft and EA are both on the list, with EA taking the top(?) prize the last two years and earning the Golden Poo Award. Cast your vote! (
- Minecraft movie is coming. There are some possibilities it could be an okay movie. Will it hold up to the Lego Movie?
- Sim City is now available OFFLINE!
- Metal Gear Solid Ground Zeroes sales opened today and somebody already beat it in 10 minutes.
Final Round Question:
Would you pay $30 for a 10-minute game, and are you in favor of pre-release games like Metal Gear Solid Ground Zeros and Dead Rising Case Zero?
Sorg: No way. I’d rather put the money toward something I know I’ll get my money’s worth out of.
Rizz: Why would you go through it that fast if you paid $30? I’m going to spend my time $30 worth. I’ll go through and find everything I can.
Chachi: No way.
Frank: I’d rather watch someone else do that online instead.
Bobby: It could stretch out to 2 hours or more. But, it’s still $30.
- Open invite from Bobby - Saturday at 3:00 to play Threes.
- Kevin Conroy is back for the voice of Batman in the Rocksteady game.
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