046. Healing Disordered Eating In The Fitness Industry With Non-Diet Dietitian Katie Hake

Published: Jan. 12, 2021, 2 p.m.

In this episode we sit down with.... Katie Hake

Katie is a non-diet dietitian with over a decade of experience working in the fitness industry. Her goal is to help women stop measuring their success by the numbers on the scale, to stop quantifying, and start living. As a Certified Intuitive Eating Counselor, she integrates her non-diet approach to help women reach their health and fitness goals.

A snippet of what we talk about:

● Discovering exercise as an outlet at the YMCA at a young age

● The dialogue in the fitness industry that makes food and exercise seem transactional

● Feeling the need to look the part to fit the part as a fitness group instructor and how it led to the importance of self-compassion

● Rejecting the stereotypes in the fitness world and going against the constant pressure to diet a certain way

● Facing burnout through the restrict/binge cycle

● The practice of putting boundaries in place in order to listen to her body

● Redefining “wins” to not always be a reflection of looks and learning to celebrate the small wins

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