031: Healing Hypothalamic Amenorrhea & The “Healthy Eater” Identity With Victoria Yates

Published: Sept. 15, 2020, 1 p.m.

In this episode, we sit down with...

Victoria Yates. Health Coach and  Certified Intuitive Eating Counselor.

Victoria helps women ditch calorie counting and learn to trust their bodies through intuitive eating. Her background is as a Registered Nurse and she uses her love of science and teaching to empower women in knowledge about their bodies. She believes that when we understand how our bodies work and are unhindered by diet culture we not only are able to give our bodies what they need physically but also mentally and spiritually. She also helps women get their periods back and balance out their hormones after a history of restrictive eating. Her own story of struggling with orthorexia and obsessive eating as well as hypothalamic amenorrhea are what inspires her to do what she does today... passionately help women live in freedom from food so they can be who they are meant to be.

What we talk about:

Binge eating and mental health

Birth control and changes in your body

Healthy eating vs. issues on eating

Different types of eating disorders 

Stress and your period

Embracing and embodying intuitive eating

Unconditional permission

"Women´s health is not always the place that we feel, as women, most empowered because there´s shame around it"

"Learning about intuitive eating gave me understanding and knowledge to have that unconditional permission to eat"

Connect with our guest Victoria:

IG: @nondiet_rn

Podcast IG: @embracingbalancepodcast

Website: victoria-yates.com


Meet Your Host:

Katelyn Parsons is an Entrepreneur, Speaker, Certified Intuitive Eating & Holistic Health Coach, as well as the host of The Modern Girl Podcast.

After years of struggling with disordered eating, she not only found recovery but recognized a crucial missing link in the wellness industry- empowerment + individual sustainability around health. This inspired her entrepreneurial journey and life mission to shift the conversation toward healing our relationship with food and body.

For the past 3 years, Katelyn has helped countless high-achieving women transform their relationship with food and body image through an integrative, evidence-based process so that they can move through each day feeling more present, empowered, and comfortable in their skin, without worrying about what to eat.

You’ll also find Katelyn strolling the beach in sunny San Diego with her husband and their pup Winnie.

Join the Modern Girl community:

Website: www.katelynparsons.com

IG: https://www.instagram.com/katelyn.parsons/

Ready to heal your relationship with food + body?

Click HERE to book your Body Trust Breakthrough Call

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