Health Benefit of Scalar Technology with Tom Paladino

Published: Nov. 5, 2021, 10:08 p.m.

Researcher Tom Paladino of explains about the health benefits of scalar technology. Humanity is entering a new era of healing via light waves that are not limited by distance and can penetrate virtually anything. Scalar technology is in the realm of quantum physics and has been investigated by countries such as Russia, Germany and USA for the most part of last century ever since Nikola Tesla stumbled across it.  By 1904 Tesla is reported to have developed scalar technology that was able to transmit energy without wires.  He also invented a particle beam weapon that was supposed to stop any missile in its tracks. Conventional instruments cannot measure scalar waves because they are too small. Theoretically, a scalar wave is a one-dimensional line, and the line has no measurable thickness. This means it can travel through many atoms and never hit anything because most atoms are 99.999% empty space. However, scalar light waves are able to carry lots of mathematical information, as in a blueprint or design. One of Tom’s scientific predecessors was T. Galen Hieronymus, a resident of Georgia and one of the few scalar energy researchers in the United States in the last century. Tom had the opportunity to read Galen’s notes and use his instruments after his death.  He was astounded to find these instruments could administer a scalar energy reverse-phase angle harmonic of a pathogen, thereby causing it to disassemble or fall apart. The scalar light wave technology takes a scan of a person's photograph to provide a uniquely configured remote, fast, harmless and painless treatment process that has successfully healed HIV/AIDS, Ebola, herpes, hepatitis, Lyme disease, and more.