Episode 24 - Dashed Hopes and Rich Dopes, featuring Benjamin Dixon

Published: March 13, 2020, 12:35 a.m.

Oh, uh... I'm back? Yeah. Long break, sure. But I'm making up for it in a major way with Benjamin Dixon, one of the most amazing political commentators and an astute observer of matters related to class and race in our current climate.

We cover his work undermining the Mike Bloomberg campaign, the state of the presidential election and the directions this could all go. Most importantly, we look to where we can make more progress and he successfully talks me off a ledge near the end. Oh, and some primo suggestions on where to eat in the ATL.

Be sure to check out Benjamin's YouTube and SoundCloud channels, Stitcher and iTunes links, as well as his Facebook page. Keep up with his musings on Twitter, where he's always killing it. And of course, there's his official site at ProgressiveArmy.com.

Songs: Lulileela - Dive Tatsuro Yamashita - Love Talkin'

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