Understanding Energy as a Field

Published: Sept. 6, 2021, 3 a.m.

How many of us realize that we are all energy. Meaning: as human beings, we are all energy, animals and plants and fish are energy – every living thing is energy and in fact, everything itself is energy, even the darkness in the Void. Quantum physics has made headway in changing how traditional scientists look at the world, a far cry from a time when we only saw Newtonian Physics as the answer to how the Universe works. When we begin to understand energy as a “field” that has power and can be manipulated, we begin to understand our own power as energy “beings” having a human experience. From this place, we can create miracles in our lives as we unblock obstacles that prohibit us from stepping into our power and living our purpose. We can also begin to heal ourselves and others when we step out of our limiting beliefs and change the paradigm of “reality” itself. And, also be sure to follow us on Instagram & Twitter @bluesoulearth and visit our website at www.bluesoulearth.com for more information about our work including our upcoming courses & workshops at www.bluesoulearth.com/study-with-spirit-courses. We are also on Clubhouse @bluesoulearth and our podcasts can be found at: www.anchor.fm/bluesoulearth where you can tune in on many different platforms including iTunes and Spotify.