The Recalibration of Humanity's DNA

Published: June 11, 2021, midnight

When we think of DNA, we tend to think of it in linear terms – aka our physical DNA that the human eye can see under a microscope. More is becoming known about our so called “junk DNA” than ever before and scientists and medical practitioners alike are beginning to realize that there’s more than meets the eye to our DNA and the implications of the quantum field on our health. Just because we can’t see something in this “reality” or “dimension” doesn’t mean something doesn’t exist. How can we better understand the quantum grid so to speak as a way to better understand the human anatomy and the “energy” body which our guides so often remind is, really IS the physical body. It’s integral and ONE with it – we are energy beings first and foremost. Join us for a discussion about the energy body and our DNA but seen through the “eyes” and “ears” and “awareness” of Spirit. Also, don’t forget to subscribe to our YouTube channel by clicking Subscribe @ .  Follow us on Instagram & Twitter @bluesoulearth and visit our website at for more information about our work including our upcoming courses & workshops at We are also on Clubhouse @bluesoulearth and our podcasts can be found at: where you can tune in on many different platforms including iTunes and Spotify.