Ascended Masters Address the Protests & Riots in Washington 2021 - Episode 56

Published: Aug. 31, 2022, 3 a.m.

Join Renee and Anthony as they channel the Ascended Masters and have a dialogue about the protests and riots in Washington the first week of January 2021 as we march towards passing the Presidential Baton from Trump to Biden.  The U.S. President-elect Joe Biden called it one of the “darkest days in US history.” It has been called a “political coup attempt” by many respected media around the world. There are people who are asking for him to step down less than two weeks before the ‘official transition.’ But to the Ascended Masters, they see things differently. You see, the Ascended Masters don’t get political nor do they take sides. They also remind us that violence has been part of our specie’s history. Tapping into the ancient wisdom that starts with the idea that we are inherently SPIRIT first – aka energy beings having a human experience, there is no bad, no good, no evil, no righteousness, there just is. The soul judges the soul. From a grander universal and cosmic perspective, we are all just energy forms having a human experience in this realm, dimension and timeline. What does that mean from a quantum perspective?  How does it all relate to the interconnectedness of the multiverse…the oneness of humanity and all living things?



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