A Blue Soul Chat About Lemuria & Atlantis

Published: Sept. 26, 2021, 3 a.m.

Was Lemuria real? What about Atlantis? Were these actual civilizations or are they simply other dimensional realities that have always existed and still do? Why is the spiritual community so fascinated by these ancient and mysterious worlds? Is there a deep yearning to be connected to something mystical, and is that yearning so intense that it wants to make it real? Or was it and we simply feel a resonance to it? Or is it possible that all of the above is true and none of it is true? In a quantum world of infinite probabilities, we channel our guides to talk about these “hidden” and misunderstood worlds of “old.” We put old in quotes for a purpose – remember in a quantum universe, there is no future and no past, there is only now. From that vantage point, now join us for this discussion. Also, be sure to follow us on Instagram & Twitter @bluesoulearth and visit our website at www.bluesoulearth.com for more information about our work including our upcoming courses & workshops at www.bluesoulearth.com/study-with-spirit-courses. We are also on Clubhouse @bluesoulearth and our podcasts can be found at: www.anchor.fm/bluesoulearth where you can tune in on many different platforms including iTunes and Spotify.