Episode 50: Harrison Ford

Published: Oct. 22, 2021, 8:28 p.m.

It’s our 50th episode! To celebrate we chose one of the most iconic film stars of all time to be the subject of this special occasion. We even invited him to appear on his own episode! Ladies, gentlemen, and non binary friends, the one, the only, Harrison Ford… did not reply to our emails so Mike Hayes from B Movie Mania is here instead. From Han Solo and Indiana Jones to pointing at everyone and wearing a weird tiny earring, Harrison Ford might be the greatest movie star of all time. He isn’t prolific because he doesn’t have to be. Blockbuster Film School and Mike Hayes humbly invite you to listen to the first milestone we have reached. We did this so you could have…your PROVASIC! You switched the episodes! You killed Super Producer Brian Tepps so you could switch the episodes!