ThatBlindTechShow #17: The Apple Gods Have Spoken, WWDC in the Rear View Mirror

Published: June 7, 2018, 5:43 p.m.

ThatBlindTechShow #17: The Apple Gods Have Spoken, WWDC in the Rear View Mirror

WWDC, World Wide Developers Convention, is Apple’s big day to highlight to the world what is cooking for the developers kitchen. Basically, Tim Cook and the crew at the Apple orchard talk about the tools developers will be able to utilize for apps and software on their devices. iPhone, iPad, Apple TV, and the Mac are the big stars and this year, the Apple Watch took over part of the big stage.
On this WWDC episode we brought on a few team members who usually hang back but if Apple can bring out the crew, will so can we! Serina Gilbert, Byron Lee and Nick Dambrosio share their thoughts and highlights from the big WWDC event.
So, join us as we scream with delight, become perplexed and even vexed, an of course, one yawn included, too, as the WWDC news continues to make the Apple herd migrate to their TV’s, Apple Devices to hear what the Apple gods are tossing down from the Heavenly Orchard in the sky.

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