Michael Schwartz: The Wandering Film Maker - Talking the Intersection of Camera and Cane

Published: Jan. 20, 2017, 1:24 a.m.

Pete and Jeff talk to Michael Schwartz about passions, regaining the skills and confidence to keep the passion alive and making the blindness issue just an inconvenience.

The Wandering Film Maker, the Visual Story Teller and the creator of The Palette Project is Michael Schwartz. Michael is visually impaired and continues to follow his calling as a Visual Story Teller. After losing most of his sight, Michael has continued as the Wandering film Maker using a Palette of colors to map his documentary on Blindness. From the red center of Australia, to the yellow sands of the deserts and the blue ocean New Zealand sailing, Michael’s TrailHead Productions team is putting it all together. And you can check out their progress on his YouTube Channel.

You can also support The Palette project and receive exclusive footage on his Patreon page here.

Be sure to subscribe and stay up to date with the Palette project and the Wandering Film Maker.  You will also be part of the growing community contributing to the dialog.

You can follow Michael on Twitter @OkNowMikeTweets

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