Marlon Parieaho, Blogger And Podcaster from Trinidad & Tobago.. And Funny!

Published: Oct. 7, 2016, 3:12 a.m.

From our WorldWide Series:

Blind Abilities presents Marlon Parieaho, a blindness advocate, podcaster and blogger from the nation of Trinidad & tobago. Jeff and Pete present an in depth look at this remarkable man: a police officer, blogger and creator of his new podcast, Dreevay In The Dark. Check out Dreevay on iTunes or your favorite pod catcher. Marlon’s blog can be found here
Marlon has a unique and selfless desire to help his fellow Trinidadians with transitioning to blindness with a humorous and pragmatic approach called “Dreevaying,” a term that means “Knocking About, which he does throughout his podcasts.
Listen and enjoy this 40-minute presentation of a fascinating individual. Also, you can hear more about Marlon’s work as a blind police officer on the Eyes On success podcast.
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