Introducing Richard Turner - World Famous Card Mechanic: Finding The Possible in Impossible

Published: March 5, 2019, 3:51 p.m.

Show Summary:

Our guest on this episode of Blind Abilities is Richard Turner, a world famous "card mechanic," also referred to as a card shark. Richard Turner is widely considered the best in the world in his field, if not the best who has ever lived.  So what exactly is a card mechanic? More than a mere magician, a card mechanic has the rare card skills that allow him to actually manipulate the course and outcome of a card game without being detected by players and observers mere inches away.

Richard started losing his vision during childhood, and gained a passion for cards. At the same time, his brain began to actually rewire itself away from the visual cortex and into his tactile sensory neurons, giving Richard an uncanny sense of touch. This in turn gave him the unique ability to handle a deck of cards like no one else. 

Listen as Jeff Thompson and Pete Lane evoke the fascinating details of Richard’s unique power with cards, and his amazing story of success in the magic community that is second to none. Listen as Richard describes his rebellion against blindness and his decades-long insistence on denying his vision loss to everyone except his family and close friends. Listen as Richard explains his talents, his ability to gauge the thickness of a single card, and how he developed this into a fruitful and long professional career in the magic community. Finally, listen as Richard describes his inevitable acceptance of blindness, and his adaptation to a new lifestyle of vision loss.

Enjoy this 45 minute chat with an articulate, passionate and truly talented man, complete with audio clips of Richards many interviews and appearances on TV shows, speeches and card conventions which enhance the listening experience as only Blind Abilities can present.

Also hear first-hand how Richard handles his cards, as we present audio description of several of Richard's card game manipulations, cuts, shuffles and “second card deals” courtesy of crystal-clear narration provided by Patrick Lane. 

Be sure to check out all of Richard’s  information, including speaking engagements, card show appearances, merchandise and upcoming projects on his web site:

And check out dozens of his videos on his YouTube channel:


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