Published: June 1, 2022, 7 p.m.

We sharing our LGBTQ+ episode that we dropped in Season I for Pride Month.  It remains one of our favorite episodes.

We hope you will listen.

Here are the episode notes from the earlier episode:

Every time I listen to an episode, I think to myself, "everyone needs to listen to this. There are so many valuable nuggets of information for all of us in every episode."

For this episode - I plead with everyone to listen and share it.  

Many of us think we are progressive and accepting, but to step into someone's shoes helps us learn so much more.  This episode is NOT JUST FOR PARENTS of LGBTQ+ children, but for ALL OF US.  Let me know what you think.
Today I speak with Levi Teachey, who is the Board President of PFLAG Denver, and Stacey Shigaya, who is the organization's Board Secretary.

Levi shares his very personal journey as a trans man and Stacey shares her journey both as an ally within the LGBTQ+ community and with her daughter who is pansexual.

We discuss both their stories and the rapidly changing landscape of this community.  Planned Parenthood writes: "Understanding the words, and the labels people use encourages respect and understanding."

Please share the episode with friends and family who you think might benefit.

Stacey and Levi also shared these documents which I found very helpful:

Glossary of Terms (
Faith FAQs (
Becoming a Trans Ally 101 (

Finally, Levi ends each of his emails with this phrase -- "courage, kindness and lasting change," -- keep it handy!

PFLAG is a national organization founded in 1972 by Jeanne Manford, who marched with her son, in a gay pride parade in New York, with a sign that read: "Parents of Gays Unite."  It has become one of the most important organizations building support for friends and families of the LGBTQ+ community.  

Gender Revolution: A Journey with Katie Couric

Finally, please remember to subscribe to this podcast, give us a review and follow us on all of our social media platforms:

And PLEASE reach out to us by email with any suggestions for guests or episode ideas that YOU want see covered:  Email:

Finally, remember there are just sometimes you have to BITE YOUR TONGUE!

Until next time - keep on listening!