MONEY...and your Adult Children!

Published: April 30, 2021, 4 a.m.

Former Wall Street Journal columnist and finance reporter Jeff Opdyke joins us for a discussion on our adult kids and money.  He gives us some advice on “just say no,” to saying point blank, “Boomers are the most financially ignorant people on the planet” and warns us “We are moving into a time that is going to filled with a lot of hurt honestly and kids need to understand now how best to manage their money, how best to invest”  Insight on inheritance, wills and preparing your kids for financial success.

Learn more about Jeff and all of his books here  and also check out his past columns on LOVE and MONEY in the WSJ.

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If you missed our first episode with author Amanda Morin, “Adulting Made Easy,” we hope you will check it out.

Stay-tuned for episodes on “Whose Wedding is it Anyway?”, Parenting adult kids with disabilities, LBGTQ, spirituality and more.

And remember, sometimes you just have to BITE YOUR TONGUE.