Episode #88.5: Distributed Consensus on Cannabis Genetics

Published: Feb. 12, 2017, 10:05 p.m.

b'This episode is from an interview with genome scientist Kevin McKernan from Episode #73, August 2015. Enjoy!\\n\\nEpisode #73: Distributed Consensus on Cannabis Genetics\\n\\nOn today\\u2019s show I interview Kevin McKernan the Chief Scientist at Medicinal Genomics and Courtagen Lifesciences. Kevin talks to us about everything from the Human genome project gone bad to free market regulations and testing in the Cannabis field. We discuss families moving to Colorado to help their children get relief from epileptic seizures, the opiate crisis in America and how Bitcoin blockchain technology is helping us move toward personalized medicine and away from the dangers inherent in one size fits all herd medicine. Could this be a bright moment in pharmaceutical history? Let\\u2019s hope so.\\n\\n\\nCREDITS & VALUABLE LINKS:\\n\\nSequencing of Australian Bastard (A potentially novel cannabis species discussed in the ICRS talk)\\n\\nTo Learn more about Kannapedia\\nhttp://www.medicinalgenomics.com/kannapedia/\\n\\nKannapedia credits \\nChristian Saucier\\nDavid MacFadzean\\nMedicinal Genomics Team\\n\\nTo learn more about Cannabis Microbiomes and the ICRS (International Cannabinoid Research Society)\\nhttp://www.medicinalgenomics.com/product-literature/\\n\\nJohn Goodmans Book: Priceless\\nhttp://www.independent.org/store/book.asp?id=99\\n\\nPDUFA Act\\nhttps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Prescription_Drug_User_Fee_Act\\n\\nFDAReview.com at the Independent Institute\\nhttp://www.fdareview.org\\n\\nCourtagen Life Sciences\\nhttp://www.courtagen.com\\n\\nVariants associated with Chronic Pain\\nhttp://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/26022780\\n\\nVideos about Genetic testing in Chronic Pain\\nhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qSAfRM24kvs\\nhttp://youtu.be/RoH-ujJPRMk\\n\\n\\nMethods to weaken Gene Patents\\nhttp://www.nature.com/nbt/journal/v31/n10/full/nbt.2703.html\\n\\nTwo papers that highlight how whole plant therapies are inherently better and different than single molecule drugs from the FDA.\\nBCP is the most common terpene in Cannabis and it tickles the Cannabinoid 2 receptor like Cannabidiol (CBD). \\n\\nhttp://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0306452214007210\\ncbdresearchinstitute.com/app/download/7452625/Whole+Plant+vs.+Epid...\\n\\nhttp://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3165946/pdf/bph0163-1344.pdf\\n\\nI spend a lot of time on the Medicinal Genomics Facebook page\\nhttps://www.facebook.com/FreeCBD\\n\\nFor Memorial Day, our Team etched something into the blockchain that will never be forgotten. This is Kannapedia at its most nascent alpha state. The QR-Codes are links to websites that contain the sequencing data and the proof of existence SHA-256 hash digest of the sequencing file. An editorial wiki can be built around this for community commenting and support and anyone can redraw the phylogenetic tree as they see fit from the open source data. The blockchain transaction however is immutable.\\n\\nhttp://kannapedia.info/v/wiki/fa170fbf/Kannapedia'