Put Your Money Where Your Health Is

Published: March 15, 2013, 8:16 p.m.

Carol Newman lives a very natural and organic life, and has made a career out of sharing her wealth of information with others so that they may also lead a healthier life.

In this episode, Carol shares information on money and its effects on our well-being, including our attitudes, as well as our inner and outer beauty.

You will hear how debt results from unconscious habits and attitudes, which can lead to spending far more than you can afford. She emphasizes that we all know that spending more than we make or have is not healthy and can lead to unnecessary debt…but knowing that doesn’t necessarily prevent us from doing it.

Signs of Emotional Debt

When defining emotional spending and debt, Carol explains that if you shop to find relief from emotions, such as boredom, depression, or even to celebrate with shopping, you might find yourself in trouble one day, if you aren’t already. Signs of emotional shopping that can get you in trouble are, if you:

-Use shopping as a form of retail therapy
-Shop with friends as a social connection
-Have clothes in the closet with the tags still attached
-Feel an endorphin rush when you make a purchase
-Experience anxiety or guilt after making buying something
-Hide a purchase from your loved ones

The trouble this can lead to is having a credit card bill too large to pay off at the end of the month, or not having enough money to pay another bill.

Getting out of the Rut

Listen in to hear why you are probably doing this, so you can put a stop to getting yourself into emotional debt. You will also hear how you can spend money to make you feel good, through charitable actions such as www.shoesfororphansouls.org, which provides shoes for poor children.

Carol goes on to discuss ways you can put more money in your pocket, or bank account by doing certain things yourself like mowing your lawn, giving yourself manicures, and many more tips to help you find financial health.

Don’t miss out on important tips talked about in this episode, which can help you get on the right path to a healthier financial state of mind for now and in retirement!

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