Life&Death R In The Power Of The Tongue

Published: May 17, 2013, 11:52 p.m.

Choose Your Words Wisely – How Gossip Affects Human Health

Carol Newman lives with the goal of following a healthy, organic lifestyle. She also works very hard to educate others about how to live a healthier life both inside and out by gaining the highest potential of energy and vitality in their own lives.

In this episode, Carol and host Kimberly Henrie discuss the power of the spoken word, namely in the form of gossip. If you have been listening to past BioGirl Health Shows, then you know how things like stress, forgiveness, truthfulness, and attitude affect inner and outer beauty. It is no different with gossip!

“Did you hear what happened to…?” It is so easy to share a seemingly innocent statement, but it is even easier for that statement to turn into false accusations and rumors that freely fly around behind people’s backs. Carol explains that things you say are like throwing a pebble onto a serene lake and watching the ripples spread out for a great distance.

Gossip Affects You, People around You, and Your Environment

Carol shares that often as we go through our daily life some of the best things we hear during the day are born of gossip. Even the most anti-social people are not immune to gossip. As Kimberly points out, just open an entertainment magazine or turn on the television and you can see gossip about celebrities everywhere. There is even a show called Gossip Girl! Gossip is a problem because:

-People often use gossip as a source of entertainment
-Gossip is a personal violation against another person’s credibility
-It is a negative social behavior that may never cease
-Gossip subtly works its way into nearly every type of normal conversation

Carol also shares that if you tell just one person a week some juicy gossip and they tell one person a week, then in six months you will have corrupted 65,050,514 people. You can see from this example why gossip might be a problem!

Telling One Person Gossip Can Affect the Lives of Many

Do you have someone in your family that you cannot trust with secrets? If so then you are not alone! Carol shares a personal testimony about a family member who is so quick to share gossip that the rest of the family compares the person to a famous news reporter from the 1970s.

Some of the most careless and cruel ways that people can hurt us are with words. Whether you are the victim of gossip or prone to gossip about others, tune in to learn about the widespread effects of gossip, and how we can instead leave a legacy just by how we use our words.