How To Beet Your Juice To A Pulp

Published: July 12, 2013, 9:16 p.m.

Carol Newman believes in following a natural, organic lifestyle to get all of the energy and vitality needed to enjoy everything life has to offer! Each week during the BioGirl Health Show, Carol teaches how to keep your body healthy inside and out.

In this episode of the BioGirl Health Show, Carol and host Kimberly Henrie discuss all the benefits of juicing. Whether you’re a fan of the health trend or you are curious about how to get started, you’re sure to relate to Carol and Kimberly as they share their own experiences.

Getting to the Meat of the Matter

Tune in to hear tips Kimberly’s frustration over throwing away all the juice pulp, and Carol’s suggestions for how you can use it to enhance areas of life beyond using it to flavor a loaf of bread. Some of the suggestions include:

- Compost for your garden
- Using it in other recipes
- Blending it into a puree

Why Juicing Is Such a Huge Craze

Juicing is a really hot trend. It seems like every book, magazine, or television show related to your health has something to say about it. Listen as Carol explains her thinking about why juicing is so popular in today’s society, and how you can benefit from drinking fresh over prepackaged juices.

Tune in now to listen to the entire episode, where Carol explains why she uses a heavy duty blender as opposed to a juicer for making up her own juices at home. Visit to see the commercial blender Carol uses, and listen to the entire episode to hear why this has been her only blender for the past 22 years!

If you love the benefits of eating raw beets here's a tasty raw beet salad recipe for you to try!