Healthy Relationships Equal Healthy Body

Published: March 8, 2013, 9:20 p.m.

Carol Newman has made a career of teaching others how to nourish their bodies with natural and organic living, so that they can live their life with optimum health and energy…staying beautiful, inside and out.

In today’s episode, Carol wants to emphasize that it’s more than being healthy in the physical sense. It’s also about being healthy mentally and spiritually. You will hear how there can be many toxins for our soul, as well as our body, and how the toxicity of bad relationships can bring us down in our life.

She discusses how we look in the mirror daily to see our reflection, and take the necessary steps in presenting our best physical appearance possible, such as with makeup and hair products. But, what if there was a mirror to the soul? What would it show us?

Listen in to learn how our outward appearance doesn’t necessarily represent what we often keep hidden to the outside world. Carol explains while we take care of what we put into our body, we also need to nourish what we put into our heart and soul.

How Does this Apply to Our Relationships?

You will hear Carol discuss two types of relationships. The first is a relationship that is toxic to your life, where they are demoralizing and negative. And, the other is when you are both toxic and you are feeding off each other.

Carol talks about how it’s important to examine our relationships, and how they make an impact on us. For example, if they are encouraging, it will enhance your well-being. And, if they are weighty and negative, it will diminish your well-being.

She goes on to talk about why we stay in these relationships, such as it simply being a habit. However, she also shares how if you are unable to detoxify the relationship and make it a healthier one, there are ways to end it, such as:

-Be honest, but gentle
-Create distance
-Plan positive times with positive people
-Ignore calls from the negative people

The above steps can either distance you from the negativity, or encourage the person to make some positive changes.

It’s important to “spring clean” our relationships as well as our bodies. Tune in now to learn how to do both!

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