Eenie, Meenie, MIney, Moe - Diet Choices

Published: Feb. 18, 2013, 6:42 a.m.

Carol Newman is dedicated to spreading the word on how people can achieve ultimate energy and vitality, as well as maintaining it in their lives. She is able to do this through sharing her vast knowledge and research with others on how they can implement a healthy and organic lifestyle, especially when caring for their bodies, home, and families.

In this episode of Bio Girl, Carol speaks about the challenges of diets, including the need to choose the right one for you as an individual. She talks about two new diets that seemed to surface and are making waves in the diet world.

Take a look at what you will be hearing when you tune in…

The 8-Hour Diet: Watch the Pounds Disappear Without Watching What You Eat!

This is a book by author David Zinczenko, with Peter Moore. It claims that you can trim waistline by limiting the time of day they consume foods, by restricting when you eat to an 8 hour window during the day.

Seventeen Days to Significant Weight Loss

In this diet, you are supposed to be able to lose significant weight by doing the following:

- Follow 17 day diet plan
- Engage in 17 minutes of exercise to your daily routine
- Start each morning with a cookie, with a special recipe

These are just 2 diets she mentions, out of the enormous selection that we have all had to choose from for many years now.

What Diet to Choose?

Carol goes on to discuss what diets were originally meant to do, such as making sure food and drink are provided regularly for good nutrition. She then compares them to what modern day diets are designed for, which is often limiting and restricting foods and drink to lose weight.

Also discussed are the realistic and unrealistic expectations of fad diets, by sharing information on many of the diets that have come and gone, as well as those that are still around. Learn how they can have adverse and unhealthy reactions to our body.

Listen in to hear how you need to find an individual program that is designed for you, as an individual and how you should not look for something that requires a lot of unrealistic and long-term restrictions.

Tune in to hear more about taking care of your health through diet and supplements!

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