Dr. Ron's-What's In A Quality Supplement

Published: July 31, 2013, 1:34 a.m.

Carol Newman follows a natural, organic lifestyle. This gives her the energy and vitality needed to enjoy all of life’s possibilities. Each week during the BioGirl Health Show, Carol discusses a new topic that will help keep your body fit both inside and out!

In this episode of the BioGirl Health Show, special guest Dr. Ron Schmid, ND joins Carol and host Kimberly Henrie to discuss the topic of quality supplements (www.docsbestmultivitamin.com) and what you can expect to find listed in the ingredients.

Credible Information from an Authentic Source

Dr. Ron has practiced natural, naturopathic medicine since 1981 and is a graduate of Massachusetts Institute of Technology and the National College of Naturopathic Medicine. Some of his qualifications include:

- Serving for 2 years as Clinic Director and Chief Medical Officer at the University of Bridgeport College of Naturopathic Medicine

- Teaching in all four of America’s naturopathic medical schools

- Authoring two books, “The Untold Story of Milk” (http://www.drrons.com/untold-story-of-milk.htm) and “Traditional Foods Are Your Best Medicines” (http://www.drrons.com/traditional-foods-best-medicine.htm).

- Serving on the board of the Weston A. Price Foundation for nutritional education.

As Carol points out, Dr. Ron is not a corporate entity looking to make a profit. He genuinely cares about people, and wants the best for those who use his products. For more than a decade he has been serving his patients with the purest and most effective nutrients and formulas and special foods.

Supplements and Good Nutrition through a Healthy Diet

You will not want to miss Dr. Ron discuss supplements with Carol and Kimberly, especially if you are not sure where to get started on choosing a quality supplement to enhance your own life. While they are not a supplement for good nutrition, as Dr. Ron is quick to point out, they are designed to complement and work together with whole foods diets.

Tune in now to listen to the entire episode. You will hear why the supplements that Dr. Ron supports are healthier, and what natural ingredients are used to create them. And you will also hear tips for selecting the best supplements that are from natural, pure ingredients, like the ones Carol herself recommends (www.docsbestmultivitamin.com). Listening to the entire episode is your first step to a healthier you!