Be Kind And Receive Health Benefits

Published: June 12, 2013, 3:28 a.m.

Carol Newman believes in following a natural, organic lifestyle to get the energy and vitality needed to enjoy all of life’s possibilities. Each week during the BioGirl Health Show, Carol teaches you how to keep your body healthy inside and out, and today’s topic covers both of those areas.

In this episode of the BioGirl Health Show, Carol joins guest host Michelle Ward, who is filling in for Kimberly Henrie, to discuss random acts of kindness. The two begin by sharing how thankful they are that warmer weather has finally arrived, especially Carol who is spending extra time in her yard lately, eliminating weeds the old fashioned way - by pulling them out one handful after another!

Nobody Wants to Leave a Negative Legacy

Tune in to listen as Carol explains the importance of doing kindness for others. Nobody wants to have it written on their epitaph that they were a mean person! Carol draws from personal experiences shared with friends during this episode as she and Michelle discuss random acts of kindness. Some observations that Carol shares include:

-The act of kindness is as important as the act of giving
-Humans seem to have drifted from being kind in past decades
-People are getting away from the “Do Unto Others” way of living

One Random Act of Kindness Goes a Long Way

While having lunch with another friend, Carol and Michelle had the opportunity to buy a cup of coffee for someone who was on hard times. They also shared their meal with this person and talked with him, and at the end of the dinner they gave the person a ride home. In fact, that experience was the inspiration for this show!

Tune in now to listen to the entire episode, where Carol and Michelle ponder the idea of a world of narcissistic people who only look out for themselves, why some generosity is met with mistrust, and other stories of random acts of kindness. It may inspire you to tap into your own generous nature to perform a future random act of kindness!