#061: New Breakthroughs in Digital Manufacturing| 3D Printing| AI Creativity, Decision Making & Design Perception- with Hod Lipson, award-winning researcher, professor, and author

Published: Nov. 4, 2016, 1:45 p.m.

Hod Lipson is a fascinating conversationalist.

Hod is a professor of Mechanical Engineering and Data Science at Columbia University in New York, and a co-author of the award winning book “Fabricated: The New World of 3D printing”, and “Driverless: Intelligent cars and the road ahead”, by MIT Press. Before joining Columbia University in 2015, Hod spent 14 years as a professor at Cornell University. He received his PhD in 1999 from the Technicon – Israel Institute of Technology, followed by a postdoc at Brandeis University and MIT. His work on self-aware and self-replicating robots challenges conventional views of robotics, and has enjoyed widespread media coverage. He has also pioneered many aspects of 3D Printing, including bio-printing, electronics printing, and now Food Printing, and launching the firs open-source printer in the US, the Fab@Home in 2005. Lipson has co-authored over 300 publications that received over 12,000 citations to date. He has founded four companies, and is frequent keynoter both in industry and academic events. His TED Talk on self-aware machines is one of the most viewed presentations on AI and robotics. Hod directs the Creative Machines Lab, which pioneers new ways to make machines that create, and machines that are creative.

Major Take-Aways From This Episode:

3D Printing and Digital Manufacturing

  1. Why is Complexity free now? It used to be that you add complexity and you need more skill and add cost;
  2.  The importance of AI design tools for 3D printing;
  3. The vision of Design on Demand;
  4. Understanding the downside risks;
  5. Understanding the 4 exponential trends giving gas to AI.

4 Exponential Trends making AI Spread like wildfire:
1) Moore’s Law;
2) Exponential Data Growth is the AI and Machine Learning Oxygen;
3) Algorithms that get better and better (with perceptions and differential equations);
4) Machines learning from each other competitively. Machines sharing knowledge. Driverless cars, for example.

Creativity, Perception, Design, Decision Making Breakthroughs with AI:
1. Using crowdsourcing to access talent to solve problems;
2. Who owns the data ? Data is the new oil;
3. Who owns the algorithms?
4. Analysis and Synthesis.

Historical trends of AI and Machine Learning:
1) Algorithmic approach dominated;
2) Now, Machine learning learns by itself;.
3) Deep learning is a programmatic off shoot of Machine learning.
I have linked up all the show notes on redzonetech.net/podcast where you can get access to Hod Lipson's books and publications.

Read full transcript here.

How to get in touch with Hod Lipson:





Other Resources:


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* Outro music provided by Ben’s Sound

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About Bill Murphy
Bill Murphy is a world renowned IT Security Expert dedicated to your success as an IT business leader. Follow Bill on LinkedIn and Twitter.