#054: Human Performance, Mobility, and Endurance - with Brian Mackenzie, Best Selling Author and Expert

Published: Aug. 19, 2016, 4 p.m.

I first learned about Brian MacKenzie when I was training for my first Ironman’s and I read his books about endurance and mobility and he changed my concepts about what was possible with running. Basically, pounding out miles just doesn’t work as you get older (and when younger too). But this doesn’t apply to just running…… Brian applies exponential training approaches to optimize human performance; he relentlessly challenges conventions and tests assumptions. Recently I was reacquainted with Brian’s work when I started training with Wim Hof's cold and breathing methods and was looking to see who else was interested in them….. So I reached out to ask him on the show.

 Major take – aways from this episode are:

  1. How you can change anything with 10 breaths.
  2. Using breathing techniques to amplify, deepen and quicken meditation benefits.
  3. The power of breath work to stabilize mood regulation and reactive behavior patterns.
  4. Co2 adaptation + Integrating breathing, ice and heat.
  5. How to activate the Vagus nerve.
  6. Importance of diaphramatic breathing.
  7. Using breathing to access Flow States.
  8. Proper breathing technique for sport, business and life.
  9. Mobility – the importance of keeping tissue supple.
  10. Eating principles vs fads to follow that Brian coaches people on related to a) Vegetables; b)humanely treated animal protein (not stressed); c) High quality fats.
  11. The impact of a) sugar; b) processed foods; c) hydration; d) high quality breads.
  12. Must read and listen to Netflix video by Mike Pollan, “Cooked” and In Defense of Food – An Eaters Manifesto.
  13. Taking personal responsibility of your health by engaging your doctor.
  14. Benefits of getting your genetics tested (Wellness fx).
  15. Dumbing down technology so that you can feel again.
  16. Mike Rowe on the importance of working opportunities not passion.

I have linked up all the show notes on redzonetech.net/podcast where you can get access to Brian’s blog publications.

About Brian

Brian Mackenzie is a human performance and movement specialist. He is the innovator of the endurance, strength and conditioning paradigm. He has studied performance and movement for more than a decade along with altitude, hypoxia, breathing mechanics, heat and cold exposure. He has spent most of his time training in and around the water and ocean. Brian has competed in Ironman (Canada 2004), and has run the Western States 100 and the Angeles Crest 100 mile endurance runs.
He co-authored the book Power Speed Endurance, and NYTimes Best Seller UnBreakable Runner. Brian founded and created Power Speed Endurance (PSE), which specializes in movement, skill & strength development for sports with an emphasis in running, cycling, and swimming mechanics.
MacKenzie's program has taught over 50 seminars per year (on avg since 2007) worldwide and provides free programming via PSE. MacKenzie and his programs have been featured in Muscle & Fitness, Men's Health, Competitor Magazine, Runners World, Triathlete Magazine, Men's Journal, ESPN Rise, The Economist, Tim Ferriss' New York Times bestseller The 4-Hour Body, Men's Running UK, LA Sport & Fitness, Muscle & Performance Magazine, and Rivera Magazine.
Brian has worked with many top-level professional athletes including iconic surfers and waterman such as Laird Hamilton, Jamie Mitchell, Mark Healy, Kai Borg Garcia. CrossFit Games athletes including Rich Froning Jr (4X CrossFit Games Champion) and Annie Thorisdottir (2X CrossFit Games Champion). And also Olympic Gold Medalists such as Erin Cafaro (2X Olympic Gold Medalist in Rowing W8+, Wife) and Taylor Ritzel (2012 Olympic Gold Medalist W8+). Brian continues to work with several other professional and elite level athletes in sports spanning from Triathlon, Running, MMA, Swimming, Cycling, Rowing, Surfing, Base Jumping, to US Navy SEALS, Army Rangers and many other Military and Specialty units helping them optimize their movement and lifestyle practices.

Read full transcript here.

How to get in touch with Brian MacKenzie:



Power Speed Endurance Blog

Brian’s Books:

Podcast Interviews:

Power Speed Endurance Podcast

 In the Press:


Resources Mentioned:

This episode is sponsored by the CIO Scoreboard, a powerful tool that helps you communicate the status of your IT Security program visually in just a few minutes.

* Outro music provided by Ben’s Sound

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About Bill Murphy
Bill Murphy is a world renowned IT Security Expert dedicated to your success as an IT business leader. Follow Bill on LinkedIn and Twitter.