Nothing All That New From Clapper & Yates, Flynn Unmasked & Late Night Madness

Published: May 9, 2017, 1 p.m.

Did we learn anything new from James Clapper & Sally Yates?  Why is the senate committee stepping over the 800 pound gorilla in the room?  What about the felony that was perpetrated on General Flynn?  And are the late night hosts losing all sense of entertainment and creativity?  Is this really the best they can do?  Join us for the experts as we talk about these stories along with the healthcare debate, and FDA on this very independent Bill Martinez Live. 

Dr Alveda King-The pen is a key, Johnson Amendment on pulpit speech, plus the power of prayer.  Dr. King serves as a Pastoral Associate and Director of Civil Rights for the Unborn, the African-American Outreach for Priests for Life and Gospel of Life Ministries.

Samantha Mills-Mao-The Good News Girl reports on the most popular viral videos from the internet.

Peter Pitts-Senate final vote on Scott Gotlieb for FDA expected on Wednesday plus Healthcare bill goes to senate, what's next?  Pitts is President and co-founder of the Center for Medicine in the Public Interest.

Papatya Tankut-Raising Awareness Of Lung Cancer During National Womens' Lung Health Week (May 7-13).  Tankut, R.Ph. is Vice President of Pharmacy Affairs for CVS Health. Tankut is responsible for engaging with nonprofit and health-based organizations to improve and enhance pharmacy care.

Laureen Peltier-Hungry For Touch: A Journey From Fear To Desire.  Peltier is a professionally trained speaker and published author. At the age of 38, after living with trauma induced PTSD for 30 years, she entered therapy, choosing an integrative psychiatric model to heal.