Breaking News, Sunday TV Shows, The Sanctuary State and Trump's 2017 Record

Published: Jan. 8, 2018, 2 p.m.

9:06-9:29a ET-Megan Barth-Sunday TV Show Review, The Book & Trump Keeps Winning, says  the Founder and Proprietor of    

9:32-9:58a ET-Maria Espinoza-California puts out welcome matt to illegal and defiant sanctuary signs pop up on California Hwys.  The National Dir of The Remembrance Project discusses.

10:06-10:29a ET-Bob Beauprez-The former Colorado congressman reviews an impressive conservative 2017 record for Donald Trump.

10:32-10:42a ET-Eddie Scarry-The Washington Examiner DC based reporter asks, Why hasn't Michael Wolff's dementia-Trump ever been seen in public?

10:46-10:58a ET-Bob Waliszewski-Focus on the Family's Dir of Media & Culture talks the latest family friendly big screen offerings.

11:06-11:29a ET-Lisa Conyers-Author,consultant and policy analyst discusses the timely new documentary Work & Happiness: The Human Cost of Welfare.

11:32-11:58a ET-Jackelyn Iloff- Senior Advisor of Joel Osteen Ministries talks about her new book, What if You Could? Find Faith in the Face of Fear.