Breaking News, Chappaquiddick, One of the Biggest Scandals Comes To Big Screen

Published: April 6, 2018, 1 p.m.

9:00-9:15a ET-Breaking News-

9:19-9:42a ET- Mark Ciardi- Producer discusses CHAPPAQUIDDICK, the Scandal around Ted Kennedy and Mary Jo Kopechne.

9:46-9:58a ET-Dr John Thorington-Counselor at Focus on the Family talks about, How should churches respond to allegations of sexual misconduct?

10:06-10:29a ET -Avi Jorisch- Senior Fellow at the American Foreign Policy Council talks about his book, Thou Shalt Innovate: How Israeli Ingenuity Repairs The World, The Untold Story of Israeli Innovation

10:32-10:46a ET-Stephen Strang- Democrats refuse to accept why Donald Trump is our president and how will that play into the 2018 mid terms.  The CEO of Charisma Media, founder of Charisma magazine and the author of God and Donald Trump explains.

11:06-11:29a ET-Michael Vilardi- The former IRS criminal investigator remembers his work at Ground Zero 911.

11:32-11:42a ET-Libby Gill- The author who has overcome a family legacy of alcoholism, mental illness, suicide and more shares why hope is the most critical Yet overlooked element of success and happiness

11:46-11:58a ET-Joe Six Pack- The “Everyman’s” political commentator and author talks about his soon to be released book, Socialism Sucks Your Money out of Your Pocket.