Benghazi Security Team Speaks Out, DOJ Obstruction, & The Painful Hillary Tour

Published: Sept. 15, 2017, 2 a.m.

7:00-7:29a ET-David Owens-With the Torres Firm, who was personally on the ground in Benghazi six months before the raid and was in charge of gearing up to take over the guard duty after being asked by the Sate Dept for help.  State knew they were in trouble and later asked the Torres Firm not to speak to anyone about what they knew. Especially after 4 Americans were killed:  Ambasador Chris Stevens, Tyrone Woods, Sean Smith and Glen Daugherty.  Listen and see if you don't think there is a coverup?

7:32-7:42a ET-Jennifer Breedon-With Eyes on N Korea, Who’s Watching Iran, & Israel. Breedon is a legal analyst & human rights attorney concentrating on Religious Extremist Ideology and Domestic & International Law.

7:46-7:58a ET-Steve Evans-Live from the Movie Capitol, Hollywood, CA, the Movie Guy runs down the top movies of the week.