America Celebrates President's Day, War On Fear and Is Genesis History?

Published: Feb. 20, 2017, 2 p.m.

Bruce Kauffmann-America Is Celebrating President's Day-So What's The Difference, Then and  Now? Bruce is an awarding-winning syndicated columnist, historian, author and speaker. Bruce's History Lessons has appeared in magazines and newspapers nationwide, and he regularly lectures on a number of historic topics. 

John Morgan-War on Fear, What Would You Do If You Were Not Afraid?   John Morgan was discovered at a "Bush for President" rally in 2000, the Orlando, Florida, native went from selling appliances to performing during President George W. Bush's official inauguration festivities. By 2007, Morgan was bringing his big-time comedic impersonation to arenas all across America.  Is he ready to impersonate Trump?

Dr Del Tackett-Where Does Everything Come From?  New Documentary "Is Genesis History?" Explores The Biggest Questions.  Dr Tackett is former president of the Focus on the Family Institute and a former senior vice president of Focus on the Family. He created Focus on the Family's The Truth Project—a nationwide project to bring the Christian worldview to the body of Christ. 

Patrick Wood-Trilateral Commission member appointed to key post, & Elon Musk: Merge With Machines Or Become Irrelevant.  Wood is an author and lecturer who has studied elite globalization policies since the late 1970's.

Jenny Beth Martin-TPP co-founder Jenny Beth Martin on Mobilizing Activists in Support of Judge Gorsuch. Martin, President and co-founder of Tea Party Patriots.

Sargis Sangari-Seven nation Travel ban? An Appeal to Common Sense.  US Army Lt. Col. (ret.) Sangari is the CEO of The Near East Center for Strategic Engagement LLC and Founder of the United Assyrian Appeal.