Episode 2: Gwen Araujo and Angie Zapata

Published: Aug. 11, 2019, 7 p.m.

Two beautiful Latina transgender women suffered murderous fates at the hands of homophobes.

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Hosted by: C.J. 
Creative Consultant: Allison McKimmy-Trestor

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Can be found on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter at

email: beyondtherainbowpod@gmail.com

website: http://beyondtherainbowpodcast.com

alt.truecrime -  All Things Evil by Patty
Inquisitir - Gwen Araujo
SFGate - 
Wikipedia - Angie Zapata
People Pill - Angie Zapata Transgender murder victim
Glaad.org - Angie Zapata

Intro is 

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