Episode 53 - K-141 Kursk

Published: March 7, 2022, 4 p.m.

This week we are discussing the tragedy of the Russian nuclear-powered submarine Kursk (K-141), which was lost with all hands in August 2000.

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Correction: Multiple times we refer to two of the rescue vehicles as “AN-32” and “AN-34” this should be “AS-32” and “AS-34”. 


Chuen, Cristina, Clay Moltz, and Nikolai Sokov. "The Kursk Accident." nonproliferation.org. Middlebury Institute of International Studies at Monterey. 22 Aug 2000

Лютых, Сергей. "'Наши ребята не дождались помощи'' 21 год назад затонула подлодка Курск. Почему погибли люди и можно ли было их спасти?" 12 Aug 2021. 

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